Modern Educational Research Society, LTD. Apps

現代小學數學 學生資源 1.4.1
*此App只供《現代小學數學》課本用家使用。「現代小學數學 學生資源App」提供配合《現代小學數學》課本的電子教學資源,只需安裝一個App,就可在平板電腦上應用各類教材及接收最新資訊。功能及內容:1. 課件:不同種類教學課件及工具2. AR資源:掃瞄課本上的AR Code,開啟「螢火蟲教室」、「網上單元評估」及「虛擬探究及趣味App」。3. 資源庫:自動登入「現代小學數學」學生網4. 最新消息:學科消息自動更新,通知下載最新教材。KEYWORD: mers, 現代, 數學, math, AR, 螢火蟲, 網上單元評估, 2014, 課本, 課件, 探究,小學, augment reality, 虛擬, 學生, student, 趣味, 現代教育研究社
方塊圖 1.1
This mapping tool allows students and teachers through differentdata input, can easily create a block diagram.
幸運球 1.1
透過幸運球遊戲,讓學生掌握20以內各數的大小比較,以及能辨認單數和雙數。「現代教育研究社」研發了一系列教學工具及趣味App,以協助老師於課堂中進行建構數學概念的活動,同時也可讓學生在家中作自學之用。Through lucky ball game,to equip students to compare the number 20 within each size, and beable to identify the number of single and double."Modern Educational Research Society," has developed a series ofteaching tools and fun App, to help teachers construct mathematicalconcepts in classroom activities, but also to allow students to useat home for self-study.
閱讀摩天輪 1.3
"Reading Ferris Wheel" (for customers)
現代小學數學 教師資源 1.4.1
*此App只供《現代小學數學》課本用家使用。「現代小學數學 教師資源App」提供配合《現代小學數學》課本的電子教學資源,只需安裝一個App,就可在平板電腦上應用各類教材及接收最新資訊。功能及內容:1. 課件:不同種類教學課件及工具2. AR資源:掃瞄課本上的AR Code,開啟「螢火蟲教室」、「網上單元評估」及「虛擬探究及趣味App」。3. 資源庫:自動登入「現代小學數學」教師網4. 最新消息:學科消息自動更新,通知下載最新教材。KEYWORD: mers, 現代, 數學, math, AR, 螢火蟲, 網上單元評估, 2014, 課本, 課件, 探究,小學, augment reality, 虛擬, 教師, teacher, 趣味, 現代教育研究社
隨步寫作 3.2
"With the step of writing a modern" - enhance interest in writing,at any time for creative writing
隨步繪寫 3.6
"Modern with painted write step" is a versatile drawing tool towrite, can give students a drawing and writing, for different typesof learning activities.
通識教育資源 10.1
內容簡介 熱門時事:每日時事通識、每周焦點時事、每月時事專輯、每年大事回顧 預習室:電影短片、課前預習温習室:精煉温習筆記、重要概念及詞彙、延伸閱讀、必讀通識技能18式 考試室:課程及考評資訊、樣本試卷及考評報告、星級獨立專題探究備課室:影片推介、課堂簡報、教學進度表 通識教師網連結
e+ 圓周 0.36.2
e+ 立體圖形 0.36.2
Use the tool to create a solid figure to find the number of topfaces of each solid figure.
e+ 圖形活動 0.36.2
Provide different flat graphics, use tools to split or build, andget new graphics.
現代字形結構遊戲 1.0
現代電子課本 9.0
E-learning courses for students and teachers to use the electronictextbook application bookshelf
MERS.HK is designed to enable students and teachers to use thee-learning resources of Hyundai Education Research Institute(Hyundai) more effectively.
平行四邊形 1.1.0
齊齊來統計 1.1
分數圖 1.1
This drawing tool allows students and teachers to easily createmaps representing different scores. The program provides truescores, mixed scores, false scores, and multiple different graphicsfor students and teachers to choose.
我家的時鐘 1.1
This mapping tool allows students and teachers through differentdata input, can easily create a line chart.
e+ 四邊形的特性
Students learn about parallelograms through different tools.
Use tangrams to build freely, so that students can master theskills of graphic building. The program also provides many examplesof interesting patterns to enhance the interest of learning.
e+ 電子釘板 0.36.2
Students can use nail boards and rubber bands to create differentflat patterns.
e+ 三角形 0.36.1
Use geometric strips to build triangles and classify them.
e+ 體積-數粒
Use the number of particles to build freely, let students masterthe calculation of volume.
e+ 對稱圖形 0.36.2
Through different tools, let students understand thecharacteristics of symmetrical graphics and make symmetricalgraphics.
Students learn the vertical and parallel characteristics throughdifferent tools.
e+ 摺紙圖樣
Students can design and explore the origami patterns of the columnsand watch the animation of the origami.
書寫正字 1.2
Easy to practice writing Chinese characters, the abilitytocultivate children self-learning Chinese characters.
旋轉圖形 1.1